Sun Wah BBQ
Restaurant on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Watch episode 'From Pork to Pasta' aired on season 29

Locations Guy Fieri visits in the USA - Places to eat comfort home-style, healthy, gourmet & fast food meals!


Simply incredible Chinese joint that truly masters the art of Hong Kong-style BBQ to perfection! Seriously, it's like being in Hong Kong itself when here, it's that authentic and incredible! These guys started off in New Yorks historic Chinatown, then they found themselves picking up and moving to their current Chicago residence. Opened locally in the late 80's, they've continue to produce incredible dishes and become a true dining staple of the community. It's a true story of the American dream when you have the drive and work ethic to make it a reality. Some popular items here include their Duck and Pork, Shrimp Curry, Egg Rolls, Pasta options and more. Plenty of beers and cocktails to choose from as well, a nice pairing of drink with meal is always preferred. Family style service and atmosphere which will quickly help you make this one of your favorite restaurants in the Chicago area.

Address / Location

5039 N Broadway St
Chicago, IL 60640

Sun Wah BBQ

Menu Recommendations

Cuisine / Diet Plan with Popular Foods & Meals to Eat Here

Asian Food Duck

Duck Fried Rice Roasted Pecking Duck Wonton Noodle Soup Sun Wah BBQ Food Duck Duck Bao Steamed Dover Sole Chinese Broccoli Contonese Chicken Chow Mein

For menu, health nutrition facts, hours,
delivery, reservations or gift cards please call.

Diet-friendly, vegan, gluten free or
organic meals may be available.

Guide: Diners Drive-Ins & Dives in Chicago, IL