Sherman's Deli & Bakery
Restaurant on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

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If you're looking for authentic NYC style deli in the heart of Palm Springs or even the greater California state.. this is easily on your hit-me-up list! It's all about kosher here and we're on board to tell you they do it right. A combination deli and bakery, they provide the best of both worlds - always fresh of course! It's covered with awards and recognition each and every year when it comes to the bakery and deli categories. Sherman Harris is the man who moved over to Palm Springs in the 50's to start up his dream in the restaurant / culinary world. With so many decades of experience, they've attracted countless stars and celebrities. If the weather is nice, be sure to ask for a seat in their wrap-around deck seating area, a perfect patio for a perfect meal, drink or desert! Everything here is beyond delicious and with service that is un-matched, you'll feel right at home each time you make your visit here. Take your time with the menu, it's full of goodness!

Address / Location

401 E Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Shermans Deli and Bakery

Menu Recommendations

Cuisine / Diet Plan with Popular Foods & Meals to Eat Here

Deli & Butcher Shops Desserts & Ice Cream

Stacked Reuben Sandwich San Jacinto Cheesecake Pickles in Sauerkraut Shermans Deli and Bakery Food Cabbage Soup Rugelach BBQ Meatloaf Sandwich Special Summer Delight Salad

For menu, health nutrition facts, hours,
delivery, reservations or gift cards please call.

Diet-friendly, vegan, gluten free or
organic meals may be available.

Guide: Diners Drive-Ins & Dives in Palm Springs, CA