Bryant-Lake Bowl
Restaurant on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Watch episode 'Totally Unexpected' aired on season 4

Locations Guy Fieri visits in the USA - Places to eat comfort home-style, healthy, gourmet & fast food meals!


What a terrific name to give a diner we though, so we made a visit and truly were shocked what an amazing place we had come across. This diner is not only classy, friendly and affordable, but really does provide fresh made meals that will blow you away including their Smoked Trout and Beet Salad with Green Goddess Dressing. It contains an on-site bowling alley that is always a blast. In addition to a live DJ at the bar and a theater for some impressive performances. A simple American menu but don't with perfection at reasonable prices and more than generous portions. But as we often joke, if you eat too much then there's no better way to burn off those extra calories with the game of bowling afterwards. A Quaint and authentic feeling here and something that is very easy to get used to; it's why the customers keep coming back again and again. We love the breakfast options here and tend to arrive for that meal.. the coffee served here is also one of the best we've had out of any diner in our travels. Come for a good time, laughs, games and food.

Address / Location

810 W Lake St.
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Bryant Lake Bowl

Menu Recommendations

Cuisine / Diet Plan with Popular Foods & Meals to Eat Here

Pub & Bar Food Vegetarian

Lamb Burger Pad Thai Bryant Lake Sandwich Bryant Lake Bowl Food Liver and Onions Wrap Dry Rub Texas Ribs Rice Noodles with Bison Grits with Beef Steak Patties

For menu, health nutrition facts, hours,
delivery, reservations or gift cards please call.

Diet-friendly, vegan, gluten free or
organic meals may be available.

Guide: Diners Drive-Ins & Dives in Minneapolis, MN