Restaurant on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Watch episode 'Sandwiches and Spicet' aired on season 34

Locations Guy Fieri visits in the USA - Places to eat comfort home-style, healthy, gourmet & fast food meals!


If you're in the Salt Lake City vicinity, then this is perhaps the best Venezuelan spots which we can ever recommend to you all! A laid back eatery with lively and inviting colors to draw you in. We've travelled the world all over and we can attest that this spot is as if you were in Venezuela itself. Everything here is made fresh, never-ever frozen. Now, you may be used to the typical Taco, but once you've had a single bite of their amazing and world famous Arepas, you'll never look at another Taco again. Perhaps a great take on typical street food, the menu here is diverse and delicious. These folks opened up just a few short years ago in 2019 by Head Chef & Owner Sandy Arrieta. With almost two decades of experience and excelling in catering, she opened up Arempas to serve the community and spread her joy and passion for Venezuelan cuisine. It's literally impossible to suggest just a single item here so we'll mention a handful of our favorites which include the Pabellon Arepa, Yuca Frita, Plantains, Guanabana Juice, Cachapa Arepa, Fried Pork and also plenty of Vegan options. Friends, don't miss out on this amazing spot and let us know what you think when you get there!

Address / Location

350 S State St
Salt Lake City, UT 84111


Menu Recommendations

Cuisine / Diet Plan with Popular Foods & Meals to Eat Here

Latin Food Tacos & Burritos

Cachapa Tres Leches Cake Pluda Arepa Arempas Food Short Rib Vegetable Soup Hallaca Reina Pepiada Pabellon Empanada

For menu, health nutrition facts, hours,
delivery, reservations or gift cards please call.

Diet-friendly, vegan, gluten free or
organic meals may be available.

Guide: Diners Drive-Ins & Dives in Salt Lake City, UT