Junkyard Extreme Burgers and Brats
Restaurant on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Watch episode 'Small Town Standouts' aired on season 21

Locations Guy Fieri visits in the USA - Places to eat comfort home-style, healthy, gourmet & fast food meals!


As the name of the place gives away, you can grab your fill of some delicious Fries, Brats and Burgers. In addition, they also serve some of the best selection of Microbrew Beers on tap in the area. If you've never drank a Microbrew then it's about time you've opened your horizons! When you enter, you'll fall in love with their funky decor to match their fun atmosphere and great staff to serve you. Just one of those discoveries you wish you would have come across sooner. But hey, in a small town like Junction City we can't blame ya! Some things to consider include the Extreme Burger, Chili Dog, Lancaster Dog, Chili Cheese Dip Sticks, Slaw Dog, Chicago Brat, German Sausage, Wisconsin Dog, Louisiana Dog and so much more folks!

Address / Location

95410 Highway 99 E
Junction City, OR 97448

Junkyard Extreme Burgers and Brats

Menu Recommendations

Cuisine / Diet Plan with Popular Foods & Meals to Eat Here

Pub & Bar Food Hot Dogs / Sausage

Junkyard Extreme Cheeseburger Lancaster Dog Bratwurst with Grilled Onions Junkyard Extreme Burgers and Brats Food Chili Cheese Stick Fries Cheese Crust Pizza Chicago Brat Wisconsin Dog

For menu, health nutrition facts, hours,
delivery, reservations or gift cards please call.

Diet-friendly, vegan, gluten free or
organic meals may be available.

Guide: Diners Drive-Ins & Dives in Junction City, OR